
Sales for an accessory brand plateaued on Amazon due to increased competition at more competitive prices, poor content, a cluttered catalog and overall lack of strategy on the platform. Despite the vendor increasing their assortment, an increased investment in traffic, increased brand awareness and strong off-line distribution, sales stabilized in an otherwise growing category. Every known option was leveraged in an attempt to grow an otherwise strong performing brand.


OeP identified an opportunity to partner directly with the Amazon Retail team to take advantage of a hybrid model in efforts of improving content, leverage software technologies for programmatic search engine marketing (proprietary) and develop a comprehensive media and price promotion strategy at the same rate of trade spend as the brand had previously invested. Through OeP’s partnership in developing a strong channel pricing strategy, margins were solved at parity between the 1P and 3P platforms and retails on the website were maintained.


Hybrid Model Executed: December – making the platform switch during Q4 was advised against but aligned in accomplishing, note slight declines during this transition.

Catalog Variated & Duplicate Listing Merged: November – we were able to create the listings in Vendor Central to clean up the ecosystem starting in October, completed in November.

Detail Page Content Optimized: January – content was loaded in the system November / December and went live once retail inventory was received.

SEM at Scale: December

Media Live: Starting December

1st Marquee Promotion: FebruaryYoY Growth Rate after 12 Months with OMNI: 44.5%